Tidy two bedroom unit with large private court yard

- Large and exclusive use fenced yard area
- Gated carport
- Close to CBD

- Two bedrooms with robes & air-conditioning
- One bathroom
- Laundry in carport
- One car accommodation
- Security screens throughout
- Air-conditioning to main living
- Tiled throughout
- Unfurnished

Please enquire on the property through realestate.com.au to receive an invitation to register for the next inspection. Alternatively, you can go to our website www.championsinrealestate.com.au to register for an existing inspection. Please note, if you do not register online, we cannot notify you of any changes or cancellations to inspections.

Go to our website www.championsinrealestate.com.au. Go to the heading LEASE, Rental Application Form, Online Rental Application Form and complete. If you have enquired, you will also receive an email which contains a link to apply.

Available: 2/12/2022
Pets on application